Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let´s dance

Hello again!

Well i will be going with my brothers and a friend of my brother to let´s dance tomorrow. Our aunt is in the show so we decided to go there to cheer on her. It will be very fun and i truly look forward to it. I haven´t seen her for a long time so it will be really fun.

I have packed all my things, or well almost hahaha. I have some of the most important things left but it is fine i will go up early and fix the rest.

It will be so much fun to hang out with my brothers and just have fun. Or well i hope it will be fun hehe.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year

Hi everyone!
Well I turned out to be in Sweden over Christmas and New year.

It has been really fun, but very heavy and harsch too. I feel that i don´t know where i have my head right now. My heart says Guatemala and my head wants me to stay here and still go back.
And i can´t go both ways i do know that, but i just can´t think clearly of what to do.

Everything is so hard right now and everyone for every side is telling me what to do, so i can´t think for myself.

So that is also why everything ended up the way it is right now and i don´t want it this way, and it hurts so much to know how everything is.

I wil explain myself better further on, but i just have to wait a few days to let everything melt in.
